DEsulfur equipment
sulfur equipment, Total:128 items.
In the international standard classification, sulfur equipment involves: Inorganic chemicals, Textile machinery, Analytical chemistry, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Wastes, Construction materials, Surface treatment and coating, Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas, Organic chemicals, Rubber, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Spices and condiments. Food additives, Non-ferrous metals, Non-metalliferous minerals, Fruits. Vegetables, Products of the chemical industry, Paint ingredients, Road engineering, Iron and steel products, Corrosion of metals, Powder metallurgy, Metalliferous minerals, Transport, Coals, Ferrous metals, Welding, brazing and soldering.
RO-ASRO, sulfur equipment
Professional Standard - Petrochemical Industry, sulfur equipment
- SH/T 3175-2013 Design specification for storage and transportation of solid industrial sulfur
HU-MSZT, sulfur equipment
PL-PKN, sulfur equipment
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, sulfur equipment
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), sulfur equipment
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), sulfur equipment
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, sulfur equipment
Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, sulfur equipment
Defense Logistics Agency, sulfur equipment
TH-TISI, sulfur equipment
IN-BIS, sulfur equipment
GOSTR, sulfur equipment
- PNST 266-2018 Cast sulfur asphalt mixture and cast sulfur asphalt. Specifications
RU-GOST R, sulfur equipment
農業農村部, sulfur equipment
SCC, sulfur equipment
BR-ABNT, sulfur equipment
Danish Standards Foundation, sulfur equipment
Indonesia Standards, sulfur equipment
工業和信息化部, sulfur equipment
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization(CENELEC), sulfur equipment
- CLC/TR 62271-303-2009 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 303: Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
FI-SFS, sulfur equipment
- SFS 3612-1976 Residual sulfur dioxide and released sulfur dioxide from sulfite residual liquor
United States Navy, sulfur equipment
Lithuanian Standards Office , sulfur equipment
- LST EN ISO 12687:2001 Metallic coatings - Porosity tests - Humid sulfur (flowers of sulfur) test (ISO 12687:1996)
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), sulfur equipment
- AS 1683.21:1982 Methods of test for rubber - Rubber - Vulcanized - Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical device
German Institute for Standardization, sulfur equipment
- DIN EN ISO 12687:1998 Metallic coatings - Porosity tests - Humid sulfur (flowers of sulfur) test (ISO 12687:1996); German version EN ISO 12687:1998
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, sulfur equipment
- CNS 6937-1981 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Refined Sulfur
- CNS 1342-1992 Sodium Dithionite for Industrial Use
- CNS 11288-1985 Methods for Sampling and Determination of Moisture of Iron Pyrites and Sulphur Ores
- CNS 1343-1992 Method of Test for Sodium Dithionite for Industrial Use
Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, sulfur equipment
- DB41/T 945-2014 Technical specification for the production of sulfur bacteria
PT-IPQ, sulfur equipment
- NP 1177-1976 Sulfuric acid used in industry. Determination of the concentration of sulfuric acid by density measurement
- NP 2137-1986 air quality. Measurement of black smoke levels and sulfur compounds in ambient air, equipment for collecting samples
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), sulfur equipment
- PD CEN/TS 15901-7:2009 Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 7: Procedure for determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal fixed slip ratio (LFCG): the GripTester
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), sulfur equipment
- ASTM D4711-89(2009) Standard Test Method for Sulfonic and Sulfuric Acids in Alkylbenzene Sulfonic Acids
- ASTM D4711-89(2017) Standard Test Method for Sulfonic and Sulfuric Acids in Alkylbenzene Sulfonic Acids
- ASTM D4711-89(1995)e1 Standard Test Method for Sulfonic and Sulfuric Acids in Alkylbenzene Sulfonic Acids
- ASTM D4711-89(2003) Standard Test Method for Sulfonic and Sulfuric Acids in Alkylbenzene Sulfonic Acids
CZ-CSN, sulfur equipment
U.S. Military Regulations and Norms, sulfur equipment
Guangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, sulfur equipment
- DB45/T 682-2010 Technical specification for port sulfur loading and unloading
PK-PSQCA, sulfur equipment
KR-KS, sulfur equipment
CU-NC, sulfur equipment
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, sulfur equipment
VN-TCVN, sulfur equipment
AENOR, sulfur equipment