共找到 150 條與 儲能變流器的最大直流電壓 相關的標準,共 10 頁
IEC 61083-3:2020 is applicable to digital recording instruments used for measurements during tests with high alternating and direct voltages
Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage and high-current tests - Part 3: Requirements for hardware for tests with alternating and direct voltages and currents
Performance of voltage sourced converter (VSC) based high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission-Steady-state conditions
This standard specifies performance requirements for electronic step-down convertors for use on d.c. supplies up to 250 V and a.c. supplies up to 1000
DC or AC supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps - Performance requirements
AC electricity meters: Part 4 Three phase watthour meters with maximum demand indicator
Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage and high-current tests – Part 3: Requirements for hardware for tests with alternating and direct voltages and currents
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state conditions
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state conditions
GB/T20996的本部分給出了高壓直流系統穩態性能的綜合導則,涉及使用三相橋式(雙路)聯結構成12脈波(動)換流器單元(見圖1)的兩端高壓直流系統的穩態性能,但不包括多端高壓直流輸電系統。 兩端換流站均考慮采用晶閘管閥作為半導體換流閥,具有雙向功率輸送能力。 本部分未考慮二極管閥。 說明: 1
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters—Part 1: Steady-state conditions
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems. Guidance to the specification and design evaluation of AC filters. Performance
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state conditions
GB/T20996 的本部分給出了高壓直流系統動態性能的綜合導則。本部分中的動態性能是指其特征頻率或時間區域覆蓋暫態條件到穩態條件之間范圍的事件和現象。它涉及的動態性能應屬于在穩態或暫態條件下,兩端高壓直流系統與相連的交流系統或其部件,如電廠、交流線路和母線、無功功率源等之間的相互影響。設定兩端高壓
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters—Part 3: Dynamic conditions
Specifies performance requirements for electronic step-down convertors for use on d.c. supplies up to 250 V and a.c. supplies up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz
DC or AC supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps - Performance requirements
D.C. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps – Performance requirements
D.C. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps – Performance requirements (IEC 1047:1991/A1:1996); German version EN 61047:1992/A1:1996
Performance of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems with line-commutated converters - Part 1: Steady-state conditions
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