
共找到 150 條與 交變水壓試驗 相關的標準,共 10

本標準規定了特種識別印記的術語和定義、環境要求、安裝要求、耐環境性試驗要求和性能檢測要求。 本標準適用于固體承載物上制作的特種識別印記的檢測

Special identification imprint detection

Power transformers. Tank tests for leakages

Power transformers. Tank tests for strength

Converter Transformer Handover and Preventive Test Regulations

本文件規定了變速抽水蓄能發電電動機轉子繞組及其成品線棒(線圈)交流耐電壓試驗的基本要求、試驗參數選取和判斷標準。 本文件適用于采用交流勵磁方式的變速抽水蓄能發電電動機轉子繞組及其成品線棒(線圈)交流耐電壓試驗

A.C. voltage withstand test guide of rotor winding for adjustable speed pumped motor-generators

本標準規定了試驗變壓器的基本參數、技術要求、試驗方法、檢驗規則、標志、包裝、運輸和貯存。 本標準適用于對電工產品和絕緣材料等進行絕緣性能試驗的油浸式試驗變壓器和交直流兩用油浸式試驗變壓器 本標準不適用于短路試驗等用途的試驗變壓器

Testing transformers


The guide for the test of AC transformation equipment without removing the high-voltage lead

Zpracovatel: V?SE Praha 9-Běchovice — Ing. J. Kabelík, Ing. J. Pra?ák Oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: ZSE koncern Praha, BEZ Bratislava Ing. K

Power transformers. Short-circuit tests of transformers

1 術語和定義 2 總體要求 3 試驗方法 4 標志、包裝、運輸和貯存

Technical Specification for intelligent sprinkler heads for fire protection

Schváleni ST SEV 4446-83 doporu?ilo federální ministerstvo paliv a energetiky. Zpracovatel: V?zkumn? ústav energetick?, Praha 9 - Běchovice - Ing

Power transformers. Methods for insulation electrical strength tests under alternating voltage

Covers material, construction and testing requirements of oil-to-water heat exchangers for transformers

Specification for oil-water heat exchangers for transformers

La presente norma è la versione ufficiale della norma europea EN ISO 11130 (edizione giugno 2010). La norma definisce un metodo per valutare la

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Alternate immersion test in salt solution

Natural Esters Insulating Oil Transformer Handover Test Technical Specification

Power transformer. Isolation level and non-conductive tests

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