共找到 56 條與 交通事故管理 相關的標準,共 4 頁
本標準規定了道路交通事故現場圖的圖形符號。 本標準適用于道路交通事故現場記錄圖、現場平面圖等圖紙的手工制圖和計算機制圖。
The graphics symbols for the scene of road traffic accident
本標準規定了道路交通事故現場圖的圖形符號。 本標準適用于道路交通事故現場草圖、平面圖、斷面圖、分析圖和示意圖。
The graphics symbols for the scene of road traffic accident
Vehicle speed identification method for road traffic accidents Part 2: Based on vehicle event data recording system
Vehicle speed identification method for road traffic accidents Part 1: Based on vehicle travel recorder
Road traffic accident trace identification
General specifications for safety pre-warning information system for road traffic accident-prone locations
Technical inspection and appraisal for safety performance of vehicles involved in road traffic accidents
Road vehicles. Traffic accident analysis. Vocabulary
Road traffic accident scene investigation photography
Road traffic accident scene drawing
Examination of traces and physical evidence at the scene of road traffic accidents
Road Traffic Accident Autopsy
本標準規定了營運機動車停運損失評估鑒定術語和定義、基本要求、評估鑒定程序和方法、評估鑒定意見的表述方法。 本標準適用于營運機動車由于交通事故導致的停運損失評估鑒定,其他原因導致的營運機動車或營運機械設備的停運損失可參照適用。
Specifications for assessment and identification of operating motor vehicle outage losses
This document defines the labels and related colours for indication of the fuel and/or energy used for propulsion of a road vehicle, especially for the case of new vehicle technology and/or power sources, including hybrid drive lines. The communication of propulsion energy and related hazards is made in a logical and modular way to facilitate the understanding. This document is applicable to passenger cars, buses, coaches, light and heavy commercial vehicles according to ISO 3833. This document does not cover fuels being part of truck cargo. The usage of the label includes, but is not limited to, the rescue sheet (ISO 17840-1 and ISO 17840-21)) and the emergency response guide (ISO 17840-32)).
Road vehicles - Information for first and second responders - Part 4: Propulsion energy identification
本標準規定了道路交通事故處理文書的格式及案卷的制作和歸檔要求。 本標準適用于道路交通事故處理工作。
The filing documents of road traffic accidents
General technical requirements for drawing system of road traffic accident scene
Analysis Method of Road Traffic Accident Based on Video Image
本標準規定了公安機關道路交通事故鑒定機構的一般要求及業務類別、鑒定場所、儀器設備、鑒定人員及職責、鑒定管理的要求。 本標準適用于公安機關道路交通事故鑒定機構的建設和運行管理,從事道路交通事故鑒定的其他鑒定機構可參照執行。
Specifications for construction of police road traffic accident identification institution
Road vehicles. Information for first and second responders. Rescue sheet for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles
本標準規定了事故機動車鑒定及價值評估的術語和定義、鑒定評估程序和方法。 本標準適用于事故機動車的鑒定及價值評估。鑒定方法主要針對乘用車,其他載客汽車、載貨汽車、專項作業車等事故機動車的鑒定及價值評估參照執行。
Accident Motor Vehicle Identification and Value Evaluation
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