共找到 19 條與 船舶駕駛與輪機管理 相關的標準,共 2 頁
本文件規定了輪機日志和車鐘記錄簿的記載內容、記載要求、保管要求、格式版面要求和印刷制作要求。 本文件適用于所有中國籍國際航行和500總噸或主機總功率750kW以上國內沿海航行的以內燃機或電動機作為主機的海船。 其他中國籍船舶可參照執行。
Engine log book and record book of engine order telegraph
本標準規定了輪機日志和車鐘記錄簿記載,保管,制作、登記和簽發,格式,頁面設計以及印刷要求。 本標準適用于所有中國籍國際航行和500總噸以上沿海航行的柴油機動力裝置的貨船。其他中國籍船舶可參照執行。
Engine log book and record book of engine order telegraph
Seagoing ship crew training simulator training requirements Part 4: Electronic chart display and information system simulator
Simulator training requirements for seagoing ship crew training Part 5: Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Simulator
Technical requirements for seagoing ship crew training simulators Part 2: Engine simulators
Simulator training requirements for seagoing ship crew training Part 3: Radar simulator
Technical requirements for seagoing ship crew training simulators Part 4: Electronic chart display and information system simulators
Technical requirements for seagoing ship crew training simulators Part 1: Ship maneuvering simulators
Technical requirements for seagoing ship crew training simulators Part 3: Radar simulators
Simulator training requirements for seagoing ship crew training Part 1: Ship maneuvering simulators
Simulator training requirements for seagoing ship crew training Part 2: Marine simulators
Technical requirements for seagoing ship crew training simulators Part 5: Global maritime distress and safety system simulators
This standard is applicable together with DIN 81208-1 to determine the hydrodynamic forces and moments due to lateral and angular motions in one plane, i.e. the xy-plane for surface and submerged operation or the xz-plane for submerged operation.
Manoeuvring of ships - Part 19: Planar motion test
本標準規定了港口拖輪作業的基本要求,單船、港口拖帶和長途拖帶作業等操作方法,以及臺風季節作業和拖輪專用號燈、號型和信號的要求。 本標準適用于沿海、內河、港口的720kW~4781kW作業拖輪,720kW以下及4781W以上的拖輪作業亦可參照執行。
Operational process of tugboats
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Heading control systems for high-speed craft
This International Standard specifies the structure, performance, inspection and testing of heading control systems to be installed on board craft operating under the following conditions: a) speed exceeding 30 kn and up to 70 kn; b) maximum rate of turn 20°/s; c) normal range of operation between 70°N and 70°S should, as required by chapter 13 of the HSC Code, comply with the minimum performance requirements specified in these standards. This International Standard applies to the heading control systems which enable a craft to keep a preset heading with minimum operation of the craft's steering gear, within limits related to the craft's manoeuvrability in conjunction with their sources of heading information. This International Standard assumes the use of a conventional arrangement. Where other arrangements are provided, the requirements of this standard should apply insofar as they are applicable, and appropriate justification provided where deviation from the requirements is necessary. The heading control systems should, within a speed range of up to 30 knots, comply with resolution A.342(IX), and within a speed range of 30 knots to 70 knots should comply with the requirements of this resolution. NOTE 1 All requirements that are extracted from the recommendations of IMO Resolutions [Resolution A.822(19) on performance standards for automatic steering aids for high-speed craft, A.694(17) and A.342(IX)] are printed in italics. NOTE 2 The heading control system was previously called "automatic steering aids (automatic pilot)". NOTE 3 Resolution A.342(IX) represents Resolution A.342(IX) as amended by MSC.64(67), Annex 3.
Ships and marine technology - Heading control systems for high-speed craft
本標準規定了船舶管理的基本原則、要求和方法。 本標準適用于海洋運輸船舶的管理,其他船舶參照執行。
The ship management
本標準規定了用經緯儀測試船舶(隊)快速性及回轉、制動試驗的技術要求、環境條件、測試方法及數據處理。 本標準適用于設計航速低于30km/h的內河船舶(隊)快速性及回轉、制動試驗。沿海中小型船舶可參照使用。
The Theodolite Measuring Method of Speed and Maneuverability of Inland Navigation Vessels
Prezentul standard stabile?te limitele admisibile ale nivelului de presiune acustic? al ultrasunetelor transmise pe cale aerian?, produse de instala?iile industriale (de exemplu insta-la?ii de sudur? cu ultrasunete, b?i de sp?lare cu ultrasunete, instala?
Ultrasonics protection in industry. Permissible limits
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