共找到 102 條與 標志、包裝、運輸、貯存 相關的標準,共 7 頁
Road traffic information collection Road traffic safety warning information collection
本標準規定了貨物流通過程中包裝單元貨物的最大底平面尺寸。 本標準適用于公路、鐵路、水路和航空運輸的單元貨物。
Packaging-Unit load size
Technical specifications for energy-storage self-luminous traffic signs
Diese Internationale Norm legt ein Verfahren für die vertikale Schwingprüfung an (einem) versandfertigen Packstück(en) und Ladeeinheiten fest, unter Verwendung rauschf?rmiger Anregung. Des Weiteren stellt dieses Dokument Verfahren zur überprüfung der Festigkeit eines Packstückes und seines Schutzverm?gens unter vertikaler Schwinganregung auf. Die in diesem Dokument erl?uterte Prüfung kann entweder als Einzelprüfung durchgeführt werden, um die Auswirkung vertikaler Schwingbelastung zu untersuchen, oder als Teil eines Prüfprogramms zur Ermittlung der Widerstandsf?higkeit einer Verpackung im Rahmen eines bestimmten Verteilungssystems (Transportkette), das eine Gef?hrdung durch Schwingung einschlie?t. ANMERKUNG In dieser Internationalen Norm wird ein Packstück oder eine Ladeeinheit als Prüfling bezeichnet.
Packaging - Complete@ filled transport packages and unit loads - Vertical random vibration test
This European Standard specifies the technical and functional properties of automatic recording equipment used to determine randomly appearing shocks during transportation. Such automatic recording equipment can be used to: - determine mechanical shock loads on individual transportations; - monitor the transportation means to observe the limits of the shock parameters; - determine the shock loads on the transported item. This standard defines the sensors to be attached to the device, and specifies the minimum requirements for the parameters to be adjusted. It also defines the minimum requirements for the data analysis, as well as the data presentation. This standard covers the complete recording equipment, including its accelerometers and the data analysis in an external data processing unit. The accelerometers can be integrated into the device or separately mounted from it (external sensors). This standard also applies to the routine monitoring of individual transportations
Transportation loads - Measurement and evaluation of dynamic-mechanical loads - Part 6: Automatic recording systems for measuring randomly occurring shock during monitoring of transports
Technical regulations for setting up energy-storage self-luminous traffic signs
This European Standard specifies data protocols and data format for the interfaces between electronic equipment (TVE), on-board computer (OBC) of the tank vehicle and stationary equipment for all interconnecting communication paths. This European Standard specifies the basic protocol FTL used in the communication (basic protocol layer), the format and structure of FTL-data to be transmitted (data protocol layer) and describes the content of the FTL-data. This data protocol may be used for other application, e. g. between stationary tank equipment and offices.
Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Digital interface for the data transfer between tank vehicle and with stationary facilities - Part 1: Protocol specification - Control, measurement and event data
Packaging -- Bar code and two-dimensional symbols for shipping, transport and receiving labels
This European Standard covers the vapour collection adaptor and coupler used to achieve a vapour tight path between the transport tank and the stationary loading and unloading facilities. This European Standard specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the vapour recovery adaptor fitted to the tank and the mating coupler fitted to a hose or to pipework connected to the stationary loading and unloading facilities. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this standard. The equipment specified by this European Standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa, at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.
Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Service equipment for tanks - Vapour collection adaptor and coupler
These requirements cover floor proximity and other egress path marking and lighting systems that provide a visual delineation of the path of egress and are also used to identify significant egress path features such as doors, stair banisters, obstacles or information placards. These systems are intended for installation and use as required by codes such as the Life Safety Code, NFPA 101; the Building Construction and Safety Code, NFPA 5000, and the International Building Code.
Standard for Safety for Luminous Egress Path Marking Systems (Proposal dated February 12, 2010)
Intelligent transport systems - Navigation systems - Application programming interface (API)
本標準規定了水路、公路運輸非危險貨物包裝的形式與貨物檢驗,及其基本要求。 本標準適用于水路、公路運輸非危險貨物包裝。
General requirements of packaging for transport cargo by water and road
Comb Gauge for Wet-film Thickness of Road Traffic Marking Coat
The intent of this research is to assist departments of transportation (DOTs) in identifying and pursuing opportunities for enhancing organizational performance. The research involved asking DOTs, via written surveys and site visits to selected agencies
A Transportation Executive抯 Guide to Organizational Improvement Revision 1
This method covers a procedure for the determination of the particle-size distribution of fine and coarse aggregates extracted from hot mix asphalt (HMA), using sieves with square openings.
Standard Method of Test for Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate
Drainage facilities, like all other elements of the highway system, deteriorate and decay due to the persistent forces of nature. Processes such as abrasion, corrosion, and erosion can lead to structural deficiencies and shorten the anticipated service
Bridges serve a variety of highway purposes including the elimination of conflicts with traffic and other modes of transportation, such as rail, marine, air, and pedestrian. Bridges enable watercourses to maintain the natural function of flow conveyance
The use of consultants by state transportation agencies varies considerably over time. Agencies are seeing increasing pressures to handle larger and more rapid changes in their programs while maintaining high levels of production efficiency and project
This specification covers the requirements and methods of test for corrugated polyethylene (PE) pipe, couplings and fittings for use in subsurface drainage systems, storm sewers, and in surface drainage (culverts), where soil support is given to the pi
Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe
The function of a culvert is to convey surface water across or from the highway right-of-way. In addition to this hydraulic function, it must also carry construction and highway traffic and earth loads; therefore, culvert design involves both hydraulic
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