共找到 281 條與 核儀器與核探測器綜合 相關的標準,共 19 頁
1 This practice covers dosimetric procedures to be fol-lowed to determine the performance of low energy (300 keV or less) single-gap electron beam radiation processing facilities. Other practices and procedures related to facility characteriza-tion, product qualification, and routine processing are also discussed. 2 The electron energy range covered in this practice is from 80 keV to 300 keV. Such electron beams can be generated by single-gap self-contained thermal filament or plasma source accelerators. 3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 KeV and 300 KeV
Guide for estimating uncertainties in dosimetry for radiation processing
Practice for dosimetry in a gamma irradiation facility for radiation processing
Practice for use of cellulose acetate dosimetry systems
Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300 keV and 25 MeV
Practice for use of calorimetric dosimetry systems for electron beam dose measurements and dosimeter calibrations
Practice for dosimetry in X-ray (bremsstrahlung) facility for radiation processing
Practice for use of the alanine-EPR dosimetry system
Practice for use of a radiochromic liquid dosimetry system
Guide for use of radiation-sensitive indicators
1 This practice covers the preparation, testing, and proce-dure for using the ceric-cerous sulfate dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose in water when exposed to ionizing radiation. The system consists of a dosimeter and appropriate analytical instrumentation. For simplicity, the system will be referred to as the ceric-cerous system. It is classified as a reference standard dosimetry system (see ISO/ASTM Guide 51261). Ceric-cerous dosimeters are also used as transfer-stan-dard dosimeters or routine dosimeters. 2 This practice describes both the spectrophotometric and the potentiometric readout procedures for the ceric-cerous systems. 3 This practice applies only to γ rays, X rays, and high energy electrons. 4 This practice applies provided the following are satis-fied: 4.1 The absorbed-dose range shall be between 5 × 10 and 5 × 10 Gy (1). 4.2 The absorbed-dose rate shall be less than 10 Gy/s (1). 4.3 For radionuclide gamma-ray sources, the initial pho-ton energy shall be greater than 0.6 MeV. For bremsstrahlung photons, the initial energy of the electrons used to produce the bremsstrahlung photons shall be equal to or greater than 2 MeV. For electron beams, the initial electron energy shall be greater than 8 MeV. Note 1—The lower energy limits are appropriate for a cylindrical dosimeter ampoule of 12-mm diameter. Corrections for dose gradients across an ampoule of that diameter or less are not required for photons, but may be required for electron beams (2). The ceric-cerous system may be used at lower energies by employing thinner (in the beam direction) dosimeter containers (see ICRU Report 35). 4.4 The irradiation temperature of the dosimeter shall be between 0 and 62℃ (3). Note 2—The temperature coefficient of dosimeter response is known only in this range. For use outside this range, the dosimetry system should be calibrated for the required range of irradiation temperatures. 5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. note: 2 The boldface numbers in parenthese refer to the bibliography at the end of this standard.
Practice for use of a ceric-cerous sulfate dosimetry system
Practice for use of a radiochromic film dosimetry system
Practice for use of a radiochromic optical waveguide dosimetry system
1 This practice covers the preparation, handling, testing, and procedure for using the ethanol-chlorobenzene dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose in materials irradiated by photons and electrons in terms of absorbed dose in water. The system consists of a dosimeter and appropriate analytical instrumentation. For simplicity, the system will be referred to as the ECB system. It is classified as a reference-standard dosimeter and is also used as a routine dosimetry system (see ISO/ASTM Guide 51261). 2 This practice describes the titration analysis as a stan-dard readout procedure for the ECB dosimeter. Other appli-cable readout methods (spectrophotometric, oscillometric) are described in Annex Al and Annex A2. 3 This practice applies only to gamma rays, X rays, and high-energy electrons. 4 This practice applies provided the following are satis-fied: 4.1 The absorbed dose range shall be from 10 Gy to 2 MGy (1). 4.2 The absorbed dose rate does not exceed 10 Gy s(2). 4.3 For radionuclide gamma-ray sources, the initial pho-ton energy shall be greater than 0.6 MeV. For bremsstrahlung photons, the initial energy of the electrons used to produce the bremsstrahlung photons shall be equal to or greater than 2 MeV. For electron beams, the initial electron energy shall be equal to or greater than 4 MeV (3) (see ICRU Reports 34 and 35). Note 1—The lower limits of electromagnetic radiation energy given are appropriate for a cylindrical dosimeter ampoule of 12-mm diameter. Corrections for dose gradients across an ampoule of that diameter or less are not required. The ECB system may be used at energies of incident electrons lower than 4 MeV by employing thinner (in the beam direction) dosimeter containers (see ICRU Report 35). The ECB system may also be used at X-ray energies as low as 120 kVp (4). In this range of photon energies the effect caused by the wall is considerable. 4.4 The irradiation temperature of the dosimeter should be within the range from -40℃ to 80℃. Note 2—The temperature dependence of dosimeter response is known only in this range. For use outside this range, the dosimetry system should be calibrated for the required range of irradiation temperatures. 4.5 The effects of size and shape of the irradiation vessel on the response of the dosimeter can adequately be taken into account by performing the appropriate calculations using cavity theory (5). 5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. note: 2 The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the bibliography at the end of this practice.
Practice for use of the ethanol-chlorobenzene dosimetry system
Practice for use of a dichromate dosimetry system
Practice for characterization and performance of a high-dose radiation dosimetry calibration laboratory
This is Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO 10155-1995 (Stationary source emissions — Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles — Performance characteristics, test methods and specifications )
Stationary source emissions - Automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - Performance characteristics, test methods and specifications; Technical Corrigendum 1
1.1 This guide covers the selection and use of neutron-activation detector materials to be employed in neutron spectra adjustment techniques used for radiation-hardness testing of electronic semiconductor devices. Sensors are described that have been used at many radiation hardness-testing facilities, and comments are offered in table footnotes concerning the appropriateness of each reaction as judged by its cross-section accuracy, ease of use as a sensor, and by past successful application. This guide also discusses the fluence-uniformity, neutron self-shielding, and fluence-depression corrections that need to be considered in choosing the sensor thickness, the sensor covers, and the sensor locations. These considerations are relevant for the determination of neutron spectra from assemblies such as TRIGA- and Godiva-type reactors and from Californium irradiators. This guide may also be applicable to other broad energy distribution sources up to 20 MeV.Note 18212;For definitions on terminology used in this guide, see Terminology E 170.1.2 This guide also covers the measurement of the gamma-ray or beta-ray emission rates from the activation foils and other sensors as well as the calculation of the absolute specific activities of these foils. The principal measurement technique is high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry. The activities are used in the determination of the energy-fluence spectrum of the neutron source. See Guide E 721.1.3 Details of measurement and analysis are covered as follows:1.3.1 Corrections involved in measuring the sensor activities include those for finite sensor size and thickness in the calibration of the gamma-ray detector, for pulse-height analyzer deadtime and pulse-pileup losses, and for background radioactivity.1.3.2 The primary method for detector calibration that uses secondary standard gamma-ray emitting sources is considered in this guide and in General Methods E 181. In addition, an alternative method in which the sensors are activated in the known spectrum of a benchmark neutron field is discussed in Guide E 1018.1.3.3 A data analysis method is presented which accounts for the following: detector efficiency; background subtraction; irradiation, waiting, and counting times; fission yields and gamma-ray branching ratios; and self-absorption of gamma rays and neutrons in the sensors.1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Neutron Sensors for Determining Neutron Spectra Employed in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronics
This International Standard presents the general methodology governing the design of neutron radiation protection shielding and the choice of neutron radiation protection shielding materials. This International Standard is applicable to facilities and operations where neutron sources are located and used, and where workers are occupationally exposed. These operations and facilities vary considerably in design and purpose. These facilities and operations include, but are not limited to: — nuclear power plants; — research reactors; — particle accelerators and neutron generators; — fusion research facilities; — transportation packaging for radioactive materials operations; — medical treatment and research facilities and applications; — industrial applications such as use of devices for measuring and detecting moisture and density level; — space applications; — calibration facilities; — radiographic installations; — nuclear fuel cycle installations (reprocessing plants, plutonium solution handling facilities, shielded cells, waste storage, etc.). The criteria for the design of neutron shielding and the choice of shielding materials contained in this International Standard should be applied to the design of neutron radiation protection shielding systems in such facilities.
Neutron radiation protection shielding - Design principles and considerations for the choice of appropriate materials
This part of ISO 8529 takes as its starting point the neutron sources described in ISO 8529-1. It specifies the procedures to be used for realizing the calibration conditions of radiation protection devices in neutron fields produced by these calibration sources, with particular emphasis on the corrections for extraneous effects (e.g., the neutrons scattered from the walls of the calibration room). In this part of ISO 8529, particular emphasis is placed on calibrations using radionuclide sources (clauses 4 to 6) due to their widespread application, with less details given on the use of accelerator and reactor sources (8.2 and 8.3). This part of ISO 8529 then leads to ISO 8529-3 which gives conversion coefficients and the general rules and procedures for calibration.
Reference neutron radiations - Calibration fundamentals of radiation protection devices related to the basic quantities characterizing the radiation field
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