●? 客戶案例 | Science風濕免疫領域原創性突破-代謝物3-HPA修飾ITGA2B激活生成新抗原誘導HLA限制性自身免疫疾病
●? 客戶案例 | IF 30:具核梭桿菌通過代謝產物琥珀酸促進結直腸癌免疫治療耐藥
●? 客戶案例 | IF31 RCT試驗:定植母親陰道菌群對剖宮產嬰兒神經發育和代謝組的影響
●? 客戶案例 | 2022開門紅--Gut:人類衰老進程中腸道真菌演變及與代謝健康關系
●? 客戶案例 | 靶向定量代謝組揭示COVID-19不同階段代謝特征(IF=16.671)
●? 客戶案例 | NC二連發!代謝組學-代謝流技術助力周文教授團隊在多發性骨髓瘤研究中的新突破(二)
●? 客戶案例 | NC最新研究提醒:腸道菌群-心血管代謝疾病研究中糞便和血液代謝組存在不一致關聯
● 好文雙發 | 《Diabetes Care》&《BMC Medicine》:2型糖尿病腸道菌群特征如何調控?多吃水果!
●? 客戶案例 | Critical Care:PI3K/Akt/HIF-1α調控中性粒細胞糖酵解在膿毒癥中的免疫效應
●? 客戶案例 │ Adv Sci:腸道抗生素抗性基因可能影響糖尿病進展
●? 客戶案例 | IF 13:曹雪濤院士等利用多組學技術揭示代謝酶Suclg2通過抑制Lactb琥珀?;S持樹突狀細胞的耐受性
●? 客戶案例 | IF 12:利用微流控芯片分離新冠幸存者血漿sEVs進行代謝組學研究
●? 客戶案例 | Gut Microbes:組織特異性生長激素受體如何影響腸道菌群?膽汁酸代謝是關鍵!
●? 客戶案例 | Gut microbes (IF 12):中山六院李孟鴻教授團隊揭示丁酸梭菌對結直腸癌的治療潛力
●? 客戶案例 | Environ Int(IF 13):微塑料如何通過腸道微生物與代謝物影響人體健康
●? 客戶案例 | IF 12!上海東方醫院研究團隊揭示靶向腫瘤代謝重編程改善食管鱗癌順鉑耐藥的新途徑
●? 客戶案例 | IF 14:臨床代謝組學高分范本——慢性心衰及其常見合并癥患者的腸菌代謝物特征
●? 客戶案例 | PNAS:β-arrestin 1在介導胃癌細胞代謝和增殖中的雙重作用
●? 客戶案例 | PNAS:廈門大學林樹海團隊發現調控新冠肺炎抗體水平的血漿代謝物
●? 客戶案例 | EBioMedicine:肝臟生酮途徑在急性胰腺炎中的保護機制研究
●? 客戶案例 | 抗腹瀉機制:黏膜乳桿菌衍生的胞外囊泡調節巨噬細胞表型維持腸道穩態
●? 客戶案例 | 謝黎煒團隊發現丁酸-Mct1是腸道菌群調控骨骼肌干細胞穩態的關鍵通路-一條早期預防骨骼肌衰老的新路徑
●? 客戶案例 | 血漿代謝組揭示苯致血液毒性的關鍵代謝特征
●? 客戶案例 │ cmgh:雙陰性T細胞在非酒精性脂肪性肝病中的作用機制研究
●? 客戶案例 | CLIN NUTR:炎癥性飲食介導克羅恩疾病中腸道菌群與代謝物的改變
●? 客戶案例 | 抑制VDAC1低聚反應保護線粒體,減輕急性肝損傷中鐵死亡
●? 客戶案例 | 微生物組+代謝組揭示作息不規律,腸道受傷害
●? 客戶案例 | 多組學聯合網絡藥理學探究冠心病中醫證型的生物學基礎
●? 客戶案例 | SGLT2抑制劑通過腎纖維化小管中衣康酸抑制NLRP3炎癥體
●? 客戶案例 | Microbiology Spectrum:李后開等發現腸菌降解不飽和脂肪酸,或與冠心病的形成相關
1. Nature Biotechnology (IF=46.9): Multi-omics data integration using ratio-based quantitative profiling with Quartet reference materials. 2023
2. Cell Metabolism (IF=29): Resistant starch decreases intrahepatic triglycerides in patients with NAFLD via gut microbiome alterations. 2023
3. Advanced Science (IF=15.1): EGF relays signals to COP1 and facilitates FOXO4 degradation to promote tumorigenesis. 2020
4. SCIENCE CHINA-Life Sciences (IF=9.1): Exercise-induced microbial changes in preventing type 2 diabetes. 2023
5. Chemosphere (IF=8.8): Early hematopoietic injury triggered by benzene characterized with inhibition of erythrocyte differentiation involving the mollicutes_RF39-derived citrulline. 2022
6. Chemosphere (IF=8.8): In vivo hypoglycemic effects of bisphenol F exposure in high-fat diet mice. 2022
7. JCI Insight (IF=8): Aberrant amino acid metabolism promotes neurovascular reactivity in rosacea. 2022
8. Phytomedicine (IF=7.9): Huangqin decoction ameliorates DSS-induced ulcerative colitis: Role of gut microbiota and amino acid metabolism, mTOR pathway and intestinal epithelial barrier. 2022
9. Frontiers in Immunology (IF=7.3): Alteration of Bile Acids and Omega-6 PUFAs Are Correlated With the Progression and Prognosis of DrugInduced Liver Injury. 2022
10. Frontiers in Immunology (IF=7.3): Human Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Reduces the Susceptibility to Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Germ-Free Mouse Colitis. 2022
11. Genes & Diseases (IF=6.8): Salvage treatment in IDH1 mutated acute lymphoblastic leukemia with venetoclax plus methotrexate and pegaspargase: A case report. 2023
12. Cellular Oncology (IF=6.6): Hippocalcin-like 1 is?a?key regulator of?LDHA activation that?promotes the?growth of?non-small cell lung carcinoma. 2022
13. npj Science of Food (IF=6.4): Systematic evaluation of antimicrobial food preservatives on glucose metabolism and gut microbiota in healthy mice. 2022
14. Cell Biology and Toxicology (IF=6.1): Protecting mitochondria via inhibiting VDAC1 oligomerization alleviates ferroptosis in acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury. 2021
15. Life Sciences (IF=6.1): Temperature-dependent metabolite orchestration to acute submaximal exercise indicates cardiorespiratory fitness in humans. 2023
16. Cells (IF=6): A High Hepatic Uptake of Conjugated Bile Acids Promotes Colorectal Cancer—Associated Liver Metastasis. 2022